Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bot Luck

   "It's going to rain today."

"It doesn't look like rain. The sun is shining."

"Barely. And I see a cloud."

"A cloud?"

"Well, more than one. A couple.

"And that is why you think it is going to rain?"

She laughs. "No, of course not. My phone says it's going to rain."

"Your phone?"

"Yes. The weather app on my phone."

"So you trust a square you can't communicate with more than the two eyes--and brain--you were born with?"

"Well, it knows more than I do."


"The Bot it. The Bot who puts information on our phones. You know, the automatic information transmitted to us--all of us--and mine says 'Present location, rain 90%.'"

"And the eyes and brain you were born with?"

"You already said that. My eyes can read the very clear message, and my brain interprets it. Accurately, I might add."

"And what do your eyes see when you look out the window?"

She walks over to the kitchen window, makes a show of peering intently across the back yard, then left, right, then up...just as the first drops of rain begin to fall, and, in celebration and affirmation, the first clap of thunder.

"Thank you, Ms. Bot," she says, not loudly, but calmly and without the inner smirk showing on her face.

He is silent for a full minute, then says, "Well, you've always been lucky."

"Yes, I know," she says. "Married you, didn't I?"