Thursday, June 13, 2024

Windy Talk

        Will the wind ever stop blowing?

What kind of question is that? Of course it will.

But, then it'll start up again, won't it?

Eventually, but not immediately.

So, that's the answer, as in "no, it will never stop blowing."

That depends.

On what?

Well, on what you mean by stopping, as in stopping forever, never to blow again.

Oh! Aha! I see. That is different from pausing, stopping altogether versus pausing for an unspecified time...which could be minutes, or hours, days or...



A year.

Seconds? No stopping for seconds hardly counts because you would hardly notice.

Well, a sailor would.

A sailor on a boat with sails, you mean.

Well, obviously, but I meant here, in our yard.

What is the difference? Wind is wind.

But a sailor depends on the wind for transportation, movement. Here, it's just an annoyance.

Or a welcome friend on a smoldering day.

Unless it's blowing grit in your eyes.

Oh no, I'm not going there. This conversation is about wind, only wind.

But, who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I.

Hmmm, that sounds familiar. "But when the trees bow down their heads/the wind is passing by."

Exactly! Oh, that is good, really good.

Yes. Christina thought so.

Christina! That Italian woman I saw you with last week. "Just a friend," you claimed.

Christina's a poet. Christina Rosetti.

That explains nothing. I suppose the wind just blew her into your arms.

He laughs.

This conversation is over, she announces and stomps past, no, blows past him, missing his final words.

"The wind is passing by."


  1. Excellent, especially after a very windy Minnesota night. (That Christina! She has a way with words. No wonder men fall for her.)
