Wednesday, July 31, 2024


    It started when he casually mentioned the Blue-footed Booby in conversation. "Blue-footed booby is a silly name for a bird," he said.

    "Tell me more," she said. "Have you yourself see a Booby's feet?"

    He modestly admitted that no, he had not seen the feet of a Booby up close or even the bird in person.

    "In person?" she said.

    He ignored her implication that he might be claiming that the Booby is a person. He hadn't said or implied that it was a person. "It's a bird," he said. "And the feet are quite blue, bright blue. It's nature's camouflage for a sea bird like the majestic Blue-footed Booby."

    "Hmmm," she said. "So those dainty blue feet...."

    "Not dainty," he said. "They are wide, broad, web-like, to give the Booby stability on land...."

    "And, I suppose,  provide propulsion in the water."

    "Exactly," he said. "The fleeing squid never know what hit them when the Booby is around."

    "Ahh," she said and shuddered dramatically. "The Booby doesn't mind those ridiculous feet?"

    "No, of course not. It's part of nature's camouflage. Who would be wary of a Booby?"

    She laughed. "My point exactly, burdened not only with that name, but made worse with blue feet!" 

    "And a bright blue beak."

    "It has a blue beak? Oh, the poor guy."

    "It's a long, rapier-like beak. Lethal," he said, "and quite, quite blue."

    She laughed. "Thank you," she said. "I never know what tale you're going to make up out of thin air, but for now the Blue-footed Booby with its bright blue, rapier sharp beak is my favorite. You are amazing!"

    He smiled, did the mock bow he'd perfected, and hoped he'd be around when she discovered that Blue-footed Boobies were alive and well in the Galápagos.


  1. I would like to see what a third-grade class would turn in after being instructed to draw what they think a blue-footed booby looks like. Kathy

  2. Fun dialogue. I didn’t believe that description myself until I saw them “in person.”

  3. Imagine my delight when the Blue-footed Booby showed up on my Bird of the Day calendar this week!

  4. Mine too— The inspiration for this story!

  5. Bird of the Day? "Conversation" of the Night! Delightful upon first reading, then second reading in the morning, and even better to close the day with the photo! I'm smiling as I head to bed. Thank you!
